All information published on this page is preliminary. We will endeavor to publish official information about the Regatta Carniola 2025 by February 2025 at the latest.
Since 2015, the Regatta Carniola has consistently sold out in advance, as participation is limited to 20 sailing yachts (160 individuals) due to the capacity constraints of the marinas and Dalmatian restaurants.
Registration is available through the waiting list located [here]. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee availability, as all spots are typically reserved by participants from the previous year. Should a place become available, we will notify those registered on the waiting list.
The payment of entry fee has to be made latest until 31.3.2025.
Please make wire transfer to:
Recipient: »Rotary Club Ljubljana Carniola«, Celovška 291, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN (recipient’s account number): SI56 0201 1025 6846 411
BIC (Bank Identifier Code of the recipient): LJBASI2X
Purpose: »entry fee payment for (number of people) for RC (name of Rotary Club)«
Rental cost for one sailing boat Bavaria 46 cruiser is 2.200 €.
When ordering, “first-come (pay), first-served” system will be applied. The price includes: sailboat rental from Saturday to Tuesday, transit log (bed linen…) and final cleaning.
The deposit is not included in the rental price. The deposit costs and tourist tax is paid in cash at the takeover of the sailboat .
100% rental price is due 14 days after reservation or latest until 31. 12. 2024.
The skipper is responsible to arrange payment for the complete boat.
Recipient: »RC Ljubljana Carniola«, Celovška 291, 1000 Ljubljana
IBAN (recipient’s account number): SI56 0201 1025 6846 411
BIC (Bank Identifier Code of the recipient): LJBASI2X
Purpose: »rental of the sailboat for RC (name of RC)«
We expect waiting list for this Regatta, therefore we urge the skippers to arrange payments as soon as possible.
9.00 skipper’s meeting
10.30 start of the 3rd regatta
lunch and swimming
14.00 start of the 4th regatta
17.00 arrival to the marina
19.00 dinner
22.00 awards ceremony
07.00 departure to the starting Marina
10.00 refueling
10.30 return of sailboats and departure
Predsednik kluba:
Pavle Jazbec,
Rotary klub Ljubljana Carniola
Restobar Boschtiz, Litostrojska 56,
1000 Ljubljana
vsak ponedeljek ob 19:00
September-Junij: Restobar Boschtiz, Litostrojska 56, Ljubljana
Julij-Avgust: Dvorni Bar, Ljubljana (20h)